Nordic Game Jam 2018 – A Bad Hare Day!

Nordic Game Jam is arguably one of the world's biggest international game jams, boasting sponsors from Unity, Unreal, and various indie developers. One of the unique events that Nordic offers is the ability to work together with complete strangers - and that is exactly what I had set out to do! You can try out... Continue Reading →

Unity – Monsters Managing Monsters

Monster Managing MonstersĀ is a game that was finished in 6 months for UEL's Video Games Design and Development course. Set in a seemingly mundane demon-office building, you play as Carl, an imp. You receive requests, as an odd-jobs man, that need to be fulfilled to maintain moral in the office ā€“ or else people start... Continue Reading →

Android – Stardust Fighters

Remember Space Dragunz? Stardust Fighters is a passion project that I have worked closely on with alumni Oliver Knight, we wanted to create something very different from Space Dragunz - a mobile-game that is marketed towards children, with one handed operation for when players are on public transport and need to stand. See our progress... Continue Reading →

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