Physical Paper Prototyping – Cyberheisters

Cyberheisters is a first-person shooter – set in the city of Cyberpunk, a city that is booming with technology. The players must navigate the tightly packed city in acts of thievery to complete contracts given to them. These acts of thievery are the focus of the objectives – for example, find the code to unlock the vault,... Continue Reading →

Pitch Document – Quick Shift

Quick Shift is a (currently) undeveloped game concept that was created as part of my academic career. The idea behind the game was to create racing game on android that people could pick up and play, that would also feel "hip" and "cool" for the younger generation, and yet nostalgic for the mature audience -... Continue Reading →

Nordic Game Jam 2018 – A Bad Hare Day!

Nordic Game Jam is arguably one of the world's biggest international game jams, boasting sponsors from Unity, Unreal, and various indie developers. One of the unique events that Nordic offers is the ability to work together with complete strangers - and that is exactly what I had set out to do! You can try out... Continue Reading →

Unity – Monsters Managing Monsters

Monster Managing Monsters is a game that was finished in 6 months for UEL's Video Games Design and Development course. Set in a seemingly mundane demon-office building, you play as Carl, an imp. You receive requests, as an odd-jobs man, that need to be fulfilled to maintain moral in the office – or else people start... Continue Reading →

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